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1 Jane Goodall: A pint of your darkest ale, thanks.
1 Bar Woman: That’ll be £3.50.
2 Bar Woman: Heard about the terrible fires in Australia? Climate change, I tell you.
3 Jane Goodall: Yeah. I got an email from Gombe National Park in Tanzania.
4 Bar Woman: What’s that got to do with it?
4 Jane Goodall: The chimps have set up a charity to save our habitat.
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I originally had this idea for a comic based around the punchline:
4 Jane Goodall: I haven’t been this amused since one of my chimps tried to set up a charity to save my habitat.
But I couldn't think of a good lead-in to it. I wrote the following:
1 Jane Goodall: A pint of your darkest ale, thanks.
1 Bar Woman: That’ll be £5.50.
2 Bar Woman: In these trying financial times, we rely on the generosity of patrons. Would you care to make a donation to the pub?
3 Jane Goodall: You overcharge me for a pint, then want me to add more on top?
4 Jane Goodall: I haven’t been this amused since one of my chimps tried to set up a charity to save my habitat.
But I felt that was decidedly meh, and so searched for a way to make the final line have more relevance and impact. I think I found it.
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