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1 Adam: Where’s my suit of armour?
2 Adam: Do you see my suit of armour?
3 Adam: Death took away my suit of armour!!
4 {scene: bottom of Loch Ness}
4 Loch Ness Monster: {looking at suit of armour} What the heck is this?
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I initially tried using Photoshop to add a ripple effect to the last panel, as though seen through a layer of water, but it didn't turn out very well, and looked weird. So I looked up how to generate an underwater effect and found a tutorial which showed how to produce the shafts of sunlight that you can see in the resulting panel. I didn't make them too bright, because Loch Ness is rather murky, after all.
The monster is the head and neck of a Lego dinosaur from the 2001 Dinosaurs range, with a flipper from the Mososaurus kit in the foreground.
I was inspired to add the flipper because of its resemblance to the famous "flipper photo" taken in Loch Ness by the 1972 exploratory expedition led by Robert H. Rines. There is a good summary of the expedition and a critical analysis of the flipper photo on Compare in particular the widely circulated "enhanced" photo (the first black and white photos on the page) with the original unenhanced photo (the greenish one a little further down the page).
It's pretty telling that this web site, which is generally supportive of the idea that there is some unknown large creature living in Loch Ness, concludes that the flipper photo was deliberately retouched to give the appearance of an animal's flipper, and that the original most likely shows nothing but rocks and sediment at the bottom of the loch.
And maybe a suit of armour in the corner.
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