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1 {scene: the Caribbean, in a howling storm of wind and rain}
1 Higgs: What be we doin’ to weather a storm like this, Miss Wendy?!
2 Wendy: Nought for it but to be lettin’ the ship run before the wind and be prayin’ for the best!
3 Higgs: What about for such of us who don’t pray?
4 Wendy: I be findin’ yoga to be relaxin’.
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While taking the photos for this strip, I only realised at the third shot that I should angle the camera to make it look like the ship is being tossed on the waves. So when I came to put it together, I cropped the first frame at an angle to give it that tilt, while panels 3 and 4 were shot titled like that.
The sky has also been replaced with a photo I took of storm clouds, and then the rain is added using a Photoshop macro I made, and the brightness and contrast are adjusted to make the scene a bit gloomier looking than daylight. So there's a lot going on in the construction of the images here.
I bet you can't even tell that the ocean is in fact a blue towel.
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