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1 Customs Officer: What brings you to the United States today, sir?
2 Steve: A plane.
3 Customs Officer: U.S. Customs and Border Protection does not take jokes lightly, sir.
4 Steve: Crikey! What joke?
4 Customs Officer: Security!!
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Since I knew I've featured customs officers previously in the Steve & Terry theme, I went back and looked for them to see what speech bubble colours I'd used. Interestingly, I've been very consistent, using the same blue colour for every single customs officer featured in the theme.
However, interestingly I've also used customs officers twice in the Mythbusters theme, and both times there I used a beige coloured speech bubble. Beige makes more sense for the Mythbusters since Jamie speaks with a blue bubble, whereas blue makes more sense as a foil for Steve, whose own speech bubbles are beige.
Interestingly, when the Steve & Terry and Mythbusters themes crossed over, there was also a customs officer! But he used a purple speech bubble - presumably because both beige and blue would conflict with characters.
I wonder what it says that jokes based around interacting with customs officers are so common in my comics...
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