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Classic comic reruns every day
1 Mordekai: A cleric could Create Food and Water for us.
2 Mordekai: How come we don’t have a cleric in our party?
3 Lambert: We were supposed to have one right from the beginning but there was a mix-up with the application forms.
4 Mordekai: A clerical error?
4 Lambert: Exactly.
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Dungeons & Dragons parties typically have someone who can fulfil the role of a healer, and usually that is a member of the Cleric class. In a pinch you could get by with a Druid or even a Paladin.
Our heroes have none of these. The main reason is because the characters are not based on a Dungeons & Dragons game, but on a GURPS game that I ran many years ago. Healing is not as important in the GURPS system, and wizards like Kyros can access healing spells if they really want to - something that wizards and other arcane spellcasters in D&D can't do.
Despite this background, the comic often uses D&D-specific themes and tropes, since that's the game that more people are familiar with, and it provides a deeper well of references and humour.
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