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1 Terry: What will I do if Steve is tragically killed on this mission to the moon?
1 Elon: You mean: to X.
2 Elon: I had him sign a bunch of postal covers. If something goes wrong... well, they’ll be in very high demand.
3 Elon: We can sell them to collectors for a fortune.
4 Terry: Oh. That’s so generous of you.
4 Elon: A fortune for me!
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This was a thing they actually did for the real world Apollo moon missions. Because insurance companies declined the high risk of offering the astronauts life insurance, NASA arranged for the astronauts to sign a bunch of postal covers before they blasted off for the moon. The covers were kept on Earth, and in the event of the astronauts' death on the mission, the covers would presumably have been of immense value to philatelic and other collectors. NASA would then sell them and use the raised money to offer compensation to the families of the dead astronauts.
These Apollo insurance covers now of course have quite a high collectible value anyway, simply because of their provenance and association with the first lunar astronauts.
In a related incident, the Apollo 15 astronauts implemented a get-rich scheme by smuggling other postal covers on board their mission, and then selling them to collectors when they returned home. Without NASA's knowledge or permission. This was quite a scandal, and the three astronauts were officially reprimanded and not one of them ever flew again.
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