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<   No. 5259   2024-08-15   >

Comic #5259

1 Serron: We need to take control of this security droid’s circuitry by firing control pulses.
2 Serron: I wonder if you could do a similar thing to people’s brains with nerve pulses.
3 Spanners: What makes you ask that?
4 Serron: Oh... nothing. Excuse me, I need to make a note to myself.

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This comic shows the droid control minigame that was mentioned previously in Paradroid. The crew are controlling the 001 Influence Device on the left and attempting to take control of the 420 maintenance droid on the right. The yellow wedges at far left show that the 001 droid only has two logic signal inputs to use, while the 420 droid has six purple ones on the right. In between is the logic circuitry that you send signals into, in an attempt to gain control over the twelve alternating yellow/purple blocks down the middle. Firing a signal of your colour can change the relevant block to your colour.

There are a few wrinkles. You can see that some of the circuit lines terminate, and do nothing. Some of them split into two, allowing a single signal to affect two blocks. The yellow triangle pointing right on the fifth line down on the left side is a signal booster, which continues to send a signal into the block even after the transient signals are finished; this means if a purple signal is fired at the same block later, it will expire and the booster will continue to output, thus maintaining yellow control over that block. And finally the purple squares on the left change the colour of the logic signal from yellow to purple; so you don't want to accidentally fire into those.

This game is a race against time, so occasionally you will accidentally choose the wrong circuit to fire into because you're rushing.

Over the course of the panels, we can see that despite having fewer input signals to use, the yellow side has defeated the purple one. This means the 001 Influence Device is now in control of the 420 droid.

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