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<   No. 5249   2024-08-01   >

Comic #5249

1 Serron: All right, there’s a low-level maintenance droid. {they spot a droid numbered 420 in a corner of the map}
2 Serron: We contact it and drop into a minigame to attempt to take it over.
3 Paris: What if we lose the minigame?
3 Serron: We die.
3 Paris: What?!
4 Iki Piki: Paris, put this into perspective with everything else Serron’s done.
4 Paris: Right. Yeah. Doesn’t seem so bad now.
4 {Serron touches the 420 droid}

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This web version of a vintage game review from 1985 lists all of the 24 different types of droids in Paradroid. it shows them with their informational readouts as presented in the game if you got to a terminal and look up information, including a portrait of what each droid looks like. However, during actual gameplay the droids are not shown this way - instead they are represented as shown in the comic, as a circle with a number in it. This was due to the limitations of computer graphics at the time, being implemented on a Commodore 64 home machine.

That linked review also has an excellent description of the gameplay, by the way, if you want to know more about how the game actually plays and feels.

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