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1 Prof. Jones: This isn't about archaeology. It's a race against evil! If the Nazis get it, armies of darkness will march across the face of the Earth!
2 Prof. Jones: Do you understand me?!
2 Monty: This is an obsession, dad. I've never understood it. Never.
3 Monty: It's like some sort of Holy Grail or something!
4 Prof. Jones: You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?
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When I was putting this strip together, I got to the stage where the photos were assembled and I was ready to put in the text, and I realised I'd completely forgotten the joke I had in mind when I started taking the photos.
So I had to come up with a new joke by staring at just the pictures on the screen. I think this must be much funnier than whatever it was I started thinking about. If I forgot the original joke that easily, it can't have been very good...
Although then the problem was often that I'd take the photos and go to assemble them into a comic, and realise that the gag I'd written down was complete pants.
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