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News Archive

Found 91 news items.


I have launched a new online class for kids on Outschool: Creative Thinking & Problem Solving - Let's Design a Game. This is a 6-week course for kids aged 11-13, covering various structured thinking techniques for focusing creativity and problem solving, reinforced by a group class project to design a brand new board game. If you have or know any kids who might be interested, please check it out!

I'm also still running my ongoing classes on Critical & Ethical Thinking, for ages 10-12. This class has become very popular!


My dog Scully now has her own fashion brand! Scully XO.

My wife is sewing handmade bandanas for dogs and cats, and she's set up an Etsy shop (ScullyxoShop) where you can get them, and an Instagram account for showing off new designs and doggie models. She has some really cool fabrics, including these Dungeons & Dragons and comic book sound effects ones. And our dog Scully is modelling the 60s Vibe, Summer of Love bandana.

Scully XO shop

The bandanas come in 4 sizes, suitable for all dogs (and also cats). She ships worldwide, and US costumers are eligible for a special Etsy free postage deal for orders over $35. Perfect gifts for your dog, or the dog-lover in your life!


I am teaching on Outschool's online education platform, and I now have two courses available:

I have years of experience teaching these topics in New South Wales schools. If you have (or know) kids of the right age, please take a look and maybe share with your friends.


I am going on a short road trip vacation from Monday 15 to Friday 19 March. Comics should update automatically as usual, but if something goes wrong I won't be able to fix it until I get home.


Do you like cool historical facts? Check out Bisecting History, a new Twitter account posting daily historical facts based on folding history back on itself...

It's run by a friend of mine, one of the authors of Darths & Droids.


I've signed up as a teacher on Outschool, an online teaching platform, and today I listed my first class. It's a one-off class on Human Vision and Colour Perception, for students aged 12-14 years. If you have (or know) children of this age who might like to learn this stuff, please feel free to sign up for a class! It's taught via Zoom and is available to students all around the world.

Here's a link to the class. I'm currently offering two time slots in a couple of weeks, but will open up more slots as demand allows. I'm also planning to add other classes on different topics, so you could follow my teacher profile too, if you like.


It's holiday and gift season! Need a gift for someone? I have books!

Prepare for the Wurst cover     Burning Down the Alehouse cover

I also have my wildlife and landscape photography available on greeting cards on Etsy, and as large poster-sized prints ready to frame (or pre-framed in Australia) on my own photography website. Everything ships worldwide (except the pre-framed photo prints).


Looking back at previous news items, I realised I never announced my primary photography site. Since losing my job in 2019, this is what I'm trying to do for a living - sell prints of my photos. The main goal is to sell large museum-quality fine art prints for wall mounting. Fine art prints can be shipped mounted/ready to hang in Australia, and rolled in a tube ready for framing worldwide. So here are both sites: Portfolio and fine art print shop, and greeting cards on Etsy.


As part of my ongoing attempt to start a photography business so that I can avoid going back to working for The Man, I have opened an Etsy shop, selling greeting cards featuring prints of my wildlife and landscape photography. I ship worldwide. If you'd like to support me, and get some cool greeting cards, please check it out, and maybe mention to your friends and family.


Due to the recent change to daylight saving time here in the southern hemisphere, and longer term changes to my sleeping habits, I've moved the update time for comics one hour earlier. Instead of updating at 10:11 UTC, comics from now on will update at 09:11 UTC. This is to allow me time to check the comic update has happened without incident and (hopefully) fix any errors before I go to sleep. This is a permanent change, until further notice.


Hey everyone! The good folks at Make That Thing/Topatoco, who helped me create the first two Irregular Webcomic! books, have had to start charging me a monthly warehousing fee for unsold copies. The best way for me to avoid paying these fees is to sell the remaining stock!

Burning Down the Alehouse cover       Prepare for the Wurst cover

If you'd like to help reduce my fees, and get a couple of cool books in the process, you can buy them direct from Topatoco. They contain bonus comics not available on the website, plus other bonus material including a map in each book. They'll make a great gift for friends and family too!


Due to an accidental injury to my left hand which required ten stitches today, I will be unable to make new IWC comics for at least two weeks. The currently buffered strips will run out on Thursday 11 June. I anticipate approximately a one to two week hiatus in new strips after that while I get back up to speed with the hand. This is an issue with making the Lego sets and doing the photography, for which I really need two hands. At this point I don't anticipate any disruption to Darths & Droids, as I think I can manage that one-handed.

I know you will all be wishing me well, and I thank you for your kind thoughts. If you'd like more information and to track my progress, you can read my daily blog.


After much delay, I have finally knuckled down and uploaded an archive mirror site of the old CiSRA Puzzle Competition onto our mezzacotta Puzzle Competition site. Those of you who have been waiting for this will be celebrating! Those who don't know about it: I used to run a puzzle comp from 2007 to 2013, sponsored by my old employer. Since the company shut down last year, the archived puzzle competitions have been unavailable anywhere except But now I'm hosting an archive as well.


My Star Trek comic, Planet of Hats, has just updated with a new comic after a three-year hiatus! I took a break after completing all of the Original Series episodes, animated episodes, and movies. Now it's time to start The Next Generation!


The Irregular Webcomic! forums are back up and running. I had to install a new version of the forum software from scratch, and import the old data. This means the old graphical customisations are all gone, so the forums look different now. But at least its working! Phew.

See this forum news post for further info.


The Irregular Webcomic! forums have been broken by a PHP upgrade at my webhost. I will investigate a way to get them operational again, but I don't know if I will be able to. It's possible the forums are completely dead and will never return as they were. I'll keep you updated. If you are skilled with phpBB and want to help, please contact me.

In lieu of the forums, you can join my Discord server, invite link:, or follow my daily blog or me on Twitter: @dmmaus.


I am travelling to an ISO photography standards meeting in Cologne, Germany, from Fri 25 Oct to Saturday 2 Nov. Comics should update as usual while I'm away, but if something goes wrong I won't be able to fix it until I get home. Have fun and see you then!


Two things: 1. I've upgraded the old list of comics by annotation topic, changing it from the out-of-date list that I maintained by hand to a new database-powered version where annotations are tagged with one or more topic tags. I've also built the topic tagging into my new comic administration workflow, so new annotations will be tagged and indexable by topic as soon as they are published. No more delayed manual updates!

2. If you haven't noticed yet, I've revamped my personal home page into a daily blog where I keep you up to date with what I'm working on each day. It contains updates on Irregular Webcomic! work, plus other projects I'm working on. And there's a handy new link in the top navigation bar ("Blog").


Have you taken a look at my revamped home page blog? Daily updates on what I'm working on, and today there's behind-the-scenes photos of shooting a new batch of Irregular Webcomic!


I have revamped my personal web site to be a frequently updated portal to all my comics and other online work. I plan to post daily with news of what I'm working on and doing, to give you a more behind-the-scenes perspective and advance previews of work in progress. Check it out!

Displaying news items 41 to 60. Skip 0 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 |

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My comics: Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | mezzacotta
My blogs: (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (long form posts) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics I host: The Prisoner of Monty Hall | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
© 2002-2024 Creative Commons License
This work is copyright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International Licence by David Morgan-Mar.