Poll Results
All Previous Polls: 551-600
Poll 551: How often do you normally buy groceries?
Total votes: 3404
Daily: 100 (2.9%) |  |
A few times a week: 712 (20.9%) |  |
Twice a week: 528 (15.5%) |  |
Once a week: 1222 (35.9%) |  |
Once a fortnight: 415 (12.2%) |  |
Once a month: 110 (3.2%) |  |
Once every couple of months: 54 (1.6%) |  |
Quarterly: 7 (0.2%) |  |
A couple of times a year: 35 (1.0%) |  |
Yearly: 14 (0.4%) |  |
Never: 207 (6.1%) |  |
Poll 552: When was the last time you had a 3-week or longer travel vacation?
Total votes: 4352
I'm on one right now!: 71 (1.6%) |  |
Within the past 2 months: 54 (1.2%) |  |
Within the past 6 months: 137 (3.1%) |  |
Within the past 9 months: 133 (3.1%) |  |
Within the past year: 192 (4.4%) |  |
Within the past 18 months: 75 (1.7%) |  |
Within the past 2 years: 136 (3.1%) |  |
Within the past 3 years: 153 (3.5%) |  |
Within the past 4 years: 106 (2.4%) |  |
Within the past 5 years: 121 (2.8%) |  |
Within the past 7 years: 218 (5.0%) |  |
Within the past 10 years: 217 (5.0%) |  |
More than 10 years ago: 671 (15.4%) |  |
Never: 2068 (47.5%) |  |
Poll 553: What's your desk like?
Total votes: 3811
Clean and mostly bare: 113 (3.0%) |  |
Some things stored tidily on it: 150 (3.9%) |  |
A little cluttered, but carefully organised: 594 (15.6%) |  |
Messy, but I know exactly where everything is: 892 (23.4%) |  |
Looks like a disaster area, but I can find anything I need: 907 (23.8%) |  |
A bit messy and disorganised: 590 (15.5%) |  |
Very messy and totally disorganised: 347 (9.1%) |  |
An actual disaster area: 218 (5.7%) |  |
Poll 554: Favourite old-fashioned female name from this list?
Total votes: 3498
Felicity: 726 (20.8%) |  |
Esmeralda: 619 (17.7%) |  |
Zelda: 540 (15.4%) |  |
Elspeth: 401 (11.5%) |  |
Clarabelle: 226 (6.5%) |  |
Winifred: 178 (5.1%) |  |
Millicent: 173 (4.9%) |  |
Blanche: 146 (4.2%) |  |
Prudence: 132 (3.8%) |  |
Mabel: 108 (3.1%) |  |
Gertrude: 99 (2.8%) |  |
Hilda: 83 (2.4%) |  |
Hortense: 67 (1.9%) |  |
Poll 555: Do you prefer to eat kidney or liver?
Total votes: 3010
I've never tried either of them: 847 (28.1%) |  |
I've never tried one of them, so can't compare: 762 (25.3%) |  |
I hate both! Equally!: 378 (12.6%) |  |
If forced to eat one, I'd pick liver: 213 (7.1%) |  |
I like both, prefer liver: 198 (6.6%) |  |
I like liver, don't like kidney: 162 (5.4%) |  |
I don't even eat meat: 154 (5.1%) |  |
I like both, prefer kidney: 93 (3.1%) |  |
I like them both! Equally!: 84 (2.8%) |  |
If forced to eat one, I'd pick kidney: 62 (2.1%) |  |
I like kidney, don't like liver: 57 (1.9%) |  |
Poll 556: Best medical advance?
Total votes: 2905
Germ theory: 1121 (38.6%) |  |
Vaccination: 723 (24.9%) |  |
Penicillin: 491 (16.9%) |  |
Anaesthesia: 341 (11.7%) |  |
Organ transplants: 95 (3.3%) |  |
Blood transfusions: 58 (2.0%) |  |
Insulin therapy: 43 (1.5%) |  |
Pacemakers: 17 (0.6%) |  |
In vitro fertilisation: 16 (0.6%) |  |
Poll 557: Best combo?
Total votes: 2994
Bacon/Eggs: 512 (17.1%) |  |
Pen/Paper: 508 (17.0%) |  |
Fighter/Magic-User: 280 (9.4%) |  |
Coyote/Road Runner: 229 (7.6%) |  |
Spaghetti/Meatballs: 207 (6.9%) |  |
Channel/Fireball: 204 (6.8%) |  |
Gin/Tonic: 203 (6.8%) |  |
Abbott/Costello: 194 (6.5%) |  |
Chocolate/Strawberry: 193 (6.4%) |  |
Bert/Ernie: 168 (5.6%) |  |
Simon/Garfunkel: 151 (5.0%) |  |
Batman/Robin: 145 (4.8%) |  |
Poll 558: What line separates bananas from poetry?

Total votes: 3360
Yakety Sax: 501 (14.9%) |  |
The Sword of Damocles: 494 (14.7%) |  |
Mornington Crescent: 432 (12.9%) |  |
Five giraffes: 392 (11.7%) |  |
Emperor Norton: 370 (11.0%) |  |
Klerksdorp sphere: 234 (7.0%) |  |
Reverse bungee jump: 202 (6.0%) |  |
A sperm whale: 151 (4.5%) |  |
Stupefied: 148 (4.4%) |  |
Baarle-Nassau: 122 (3.6%) |  |
Ming vase: 118 (3.5%) |  |
Brigadoon: 99 (2.9%) |  |
Venus: 97 (2.9%) |  |
This is of course the next poll in the series started with Poll 155 and continued with
Poll 191 and Poll 192. No hate mail this time, thankfully.
Poll 559: Best popular song featuring bagpipes?
Total votes: 1919
It's a Long Way to the Top (If you Wanna Rock 'n' Roll) - AC/DC: 592 (30.8%) |  |
Fields of Gold - Sting: 384 (20.0%) |  |
In a Big Country - Big Country: 183 (9.5%) |  |
Mull of Kintyre - Paul McCartney: 183 (9.5%) |  |
Copperhead Road - Steve Earle: 136 (7.1%) |  |
You're the Voice - John Farnham: 78 (4.1%) |  |
Shoots and Ladders - Korn: 78 (4.1%) |  |
Horror of Yig - GWAR: 75 (3.9%) |  |
The Sensual World - Kate Bush: 58 (3.0%) |  |
Judas - Depeche Mode: 56 (2.9%) |  |
Sky Pilot - The Animals: 44 (2.3%) |  |
Bonaparte's Retreat - Glenn Campbell: 41 (2.1%) |  |
Fall Down - Jebediah: 11 (0.6%) |  |
Some readers wrote to say that the bagpipe sound in some of these songs was actually generated electronically, in some cases by
processing electric guitars! I honestly didn't know that before. But I am gratified that my favourite on the list topped the poll.
Poll 560: On what day does the phrase "next Thursday" roll over to refer to a different Thursday?
Total votes: 2923
Friday: 358 (12.2%) |  |
Saturday: 68 (2.3%) |  |
Sunday: 409 (14.0%) |  |
Monday: 426 (14.6%) |  |
Tuesday: 161 (5.5%) |  |
Wednesday: 370 (12.7%) |  |
Thursday: 1131 (38.7%) |  |
Poll 561: I've tossed a coin before writing this poll question. Heads or tails?
Total votes: 2784
Heads: 1824 (65.5%) |  |
Tails: 960 (34.5%) |  |
It was tails. Specifically, I tossed a one-dollar coin, and it
landed on the side showing the kangaroos, rather than the Queen's head.
I'm astonished at the asymmetry in the answers. I expected the ratios to be much closer to 50/50. In fact, a simple application of
the binomial theorem shows that the probability of 1824 (or more) people out of 2784 choosing heads is about 10-61, if you
assume that people effectively choose randomly between heads or tails with a 50% chance of each option. This essentially proves* that
the probabilities of poll respondents picking heads or tails are not equal - there is some systematic bias towards heads. It's not
too hard to guess what the bias might be - probably a significant number of people just picked the first item on the list of options,
having no particularly good reason to pick anything else.
* At the 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% confidence level, for the statistically pedantic.
Poll 562: Why, why, why, Delilah?
Total votes: 2554
Because it's not unusual to be loved by anyone: 461 (18.1%) |  |
Because I'm an ordinary guy, burning down the house: 370 (14.5%) |  |
Because she's a lady: 353 (13.8%) |  |
Because baby it's cold outside: 260 (10.2%) |  |
Because he strikes, like Thunderball: 248 (9.7%) |  |
Because I just want your extra time and your... kiss: 192 (7.5%) |  |
Because mama told me not to come: 192 (7.5%) |  |
Because you're my sexbomb: 181 (7.1%) |  |
Because I'll never fall in love again: 160 (6.3%) |  |
Because it's good to touch the green, green grass of home: 137 (5.4%) |  |
Poll 563: After this poll closes I will toss a coin. Heads or tails?
Total votes: 2576
Heads: 1293 (50.2%) |  |
Tails: 1283 (49.8%) |  |
Well that's interesting. This time the results are close enough that they actually fit the hypothesis that heads and tails are equally likely.
The binomial probability that from 2576 fair coin tosses you will see 1293 or more heads is almost 43%, which in statistical terms means
there is no significant evidence for any bias whatsoever in these results.
Compare and contrast the results of Poll 561.
Oh, I suppose I should actually toss a coin now and tell you the result...
Tails. (And if you're curious, it's a different coin. I think I spent the first one.)
Poll 564: Poll 561 asked "I've tossed a coin before writing this poll question. Heads or tails?" Poll 563 asked "After this poll closes I will toss a coin. Heads or tails?" Is there any meaningful difference between these two questions?
Total votes: 3185
No: 2143 (67.3%) |  |
Yes: 1042 (32.7%) |  |
It all depends, of course, on what "meaningful" means...
Poll 565: Soup. Do you eat it, or drink it?
Total votes: 3324
Eat it: 1285 (38.7%) |  |
Depends on all three: 469 (14.1%) |  |
Depends on thickness and chunkiness: 380 (11.4%) |  |
Depends if it's in a bowl or a cup: 269 (8.1%) |  |
Depends how chunky it is: 226 (6.8%) |  |
I don't ingest soup at all: 171 (5.1%) |  |
Depends on other stuff: 155 (4.7%) |  |
Depends how thick it is: 119 (3.6%) |  |
Drink it: 102 (3.1%) |  |
Depends on chunkiness and bowl/cup: 84 (2.5%) |  |
Depends on thickness and bowl/cup: 64 (1.9%) |  |
Poll 566: Do you wear jeans to work/school?
Total votes: 3227
All the time: 796 (24.7%) |  |
Most of the time: 659 (20.4%) |  |
No, but only because I never wear jeans: 486 (15.1%) |  |
Occasionally: 404 (12.5%) |  |
Only on designated casual/mufti days: 250 (7.7%) |  |
Good lord no! That would be Frowned Upon: 239 (7.4%) |  |
I don't attend work/school, but do wear jeans: 174 (5.4%) |  |
No, but some people there do: 161 (5.0%) |  |
I don't attend work/school, and don't wear jeans: 58 (1.8%) |  |
Poll 567: How often do you travel by train?
Total votes: 3387
Every day: 60 (1.8%) |  |
Every work/school day: 246 (7.3%) |  |
Several times a week: 105 (3.1%) |  |
Once or twice a week: 79 (2.3%) |  |
A few times a month: 217 (6.4%) |  |
About once a month: 166 (4.9%) |  |
A few times a year: 593 (17.5%) |  |
Once a year or less: 565 (16.7%) |  |
I used to frequently, but not recently: 418 (12.3%) |  |
I rode a train once: 643 (19.0%) |  |
I've never travelled on a train: 202 (6.0%) |  |
I've never even been on a stationary train: 83 (2.5%) |  |
I've never even seen a train: 10 (0.3%) |  |
Poll 568: What's the opposite of cheese?
Total votes: 3263
A cheese-shaped void in space-time: 777 (23.8%) |  |
Not-cheese: 760 (23.3%) |  |
Intelligent and well-acted drama: 499 (15.3%) |  |
Processed cheese food product: 304 (9.3%) |  |
Chalk: 257 (7.9%) |  |
Fresh milk: 184 (5.6%) |  |
A bicycle: 120 (3.7%) |  |
Ham: 108 (3.3%) |  |
Chocolate: 62 (1.9%) |  |
Tomato: 56 (1.7%) |  |
Wine: 53 (1.6%) |  |
Crackers: 49 (1.5%) |  |
Bread: 24 (0.7%) |  |
Macaroni: 10 (0.3%) |  |
Poll 569: Dog or cat? Summer or winter? Chocolate or ice cream? Pen or pencil?
Total votes: 3776
Cat/winter/chocolate/pencil: 335 (8.9%) |  |
Cat/winter/chocolate/pen: 333 (8.8%) |  |
Cat/summer/chocolate/pen: 299 (7.9%) |  |
Cat/winter/ice cream/pencil: 288 (7.6%) |  |
Cat/winter/ice cream/pen: 276 (7.3%) |  |
Cat/summer/chocolate/pencil: 271 (7.2%) |  |
Cat/summer/ice cream/pencil: 256 (6.8%) |  |
Cat/summer/ice cream/pen: 252 (6.7%) |  |
Dog/winter/chocolate/pen: 207 (5.5%) |  |
Dog/summer/chocolate/pen: 204 (5.4%) |  |
Dog/summer/ice cream/pencil: 200 (5.3%) |  |
Dog/summer/ice cream/pen: 187 (5.0%) |  |
Dog/winter/chocolate/pencil: 173 (4.6%) |  |
Dog/winter/ice cream/pencil: 173 (4.6%) |  |
Dog/summer/chocolate/pencil: 166 (4.4%) |  |
Dog/winter/ice cream/pen: 156 (4.1%) |  |
That's a pretty close spread of results for 16 different options.
Poll 570: What do you normally wear on your feet in your own home?
Total votes: 3368
Nothing: 999 (29.7%) |  |
Socks: 762 (22.6%) |  |
Nothing in warm weather, socks in cold: 612 (18.2%) |  |
Slippers: 392 (11.6%) |  |
Nothing in warm weather, slippers in cold: 275 (8.2%) |  |
Socks and shoes: 181 (5.4%) |  |
Something else not covered by socks, slippers, or shoes: 86 (2.6%) |  |
Nothing in warm weather, socks & shoes in cold: 49 (1.5%) |  |
Shoes without socks: 9 (0.3%) |  |
Nothing in warm weather, shoes without socks in cold: 3 (0.1%) |  |
A reader pointed out that most people spend most of their time at home asleep, so "normally" would correspond to whatever you wear to bed.
I'm hoping most of you didn't think that way...
Poll 571: Do you own any original artwork by a professional artist?
Total votes: 3039
No: 1691 (55.6%) |  |
Yes, some: 762 (25.1%) |  |
Yes, one piece: 485 (16.0%) |  |
Yes, quite a bit: 101 (3.3%) |  |
Poll 572: When you see words on signs or posters or things, do you ever read them backwards (aloud or in your head) to see what they sound like?
Total votes: 3230
Yes, all the time!: 83 (2.6%) |  |
Yes, fairly often: 134 (4.1%) |  |
Yes, sometimes: 411 (12.7%) |  |
Yes, on rare occasions: 662 (20.5%) |  |
No, can't say that I have: 1200 (37.2%) |  |
Um... no, what sort of weird thing to do is that?: 740 (22.9%) |  |
Poll 573: Favourite Brassica oleracea?
Total votes: 2484
Broccoli: 990 (39.9%) |  |
Cauliflower: 327 (13.2%) |  |
Cabbage: 270 (10.9%) |  |
Brussels sprouts: 206 (8.3%) |  |
Red cabbage: 151 (6.1%) |  |
Kale: 102 (4.1%) |  |
Spring greens: 97 (3.9%) |  |
Kohlrabi: 73 (2.9%) |  |
Kai-lan (Chinese broccoli): 72 (2.9%) |  |
Romanesco broccoli: 59 (2.4%) |  |
Broccolini: 41 (1.7%) |  |
Broccoflower: 38 (1.5%) |  |
Collard greens: 30 (1.2%) |  |
Savoy cabbage: 28 (1.1%) |  |
Well! So much for all those stereotypes of broccoli being a much-hated vegetable.
Poll 574: Best Beatles album?
Total votes: 1954
Please Please Me: 27 (1.4%) |  |
With The Beatles: 19 (1.0%) |  |
A Hard Day's Night: 127 (6.5%) |  |
Beatles For Sale: 8 (0.4%) |  |
Help!: 98 (5.0%) |  |
Rubber Soul: 71 (3.6%) |  |
Revolver: 140 (7.2%) |  |
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: 548 (28.0%) |  |
Magical Mystery Tour: 52 (2.7%) |  |
The Beatles (White Album): 304 (15.6%) |  |
Yellow Submarine: 205 (10.5%) |  |
Abbey Road: 256 (13.1%) |  |
Let It Be: 99 (5.1%) |  |
Poll 575: There's something you're especially good at. Better than most of your peers. It's "your thing". In what broad field of endeavour is it?
Total votes: 3218
Science or Engineering: 1475 (45.8%) |  |
Language or Literature: 903 (28.1%) |  |
Art or Design: 338 (10.5%) |  |
Social interaction: 169 (5.3%) |  |
Construction or Handicraft: 155 (4.8%) |  |
Physical dexterity: 112 (3.5%) |  |
Physical endurance: 66 (2.1%) |  |
Poll 576: When was the last time you used a public phone?
Total votes: 3189
Today!: 16 (0.5%) |  |
In the past week: 36 (1.1%) |  |
3 to 4 weeks ago: 64 (2.0%) |  |
1 to 3 months ago: 80 (2.5%) |  |
3 to 6 months ago: 71 (2.2%) |  |
6 to 12 months ago: 125 (3.9%) |  |
1 to 2 years ago: 249 (7.8%) |  |
2 to 4 years ago: 323 (10.1%) |  |
4 to 7 years ago: 467 (14.6%) |  |
7 to 10 years ago: 405 (12.7%) |  |
Over 10 years ago: 617 (19.3%) |  |
I've never used a public phone: 623 (19.5%) |  |
What's a public phone?: 113 (3.5%) |  |
Poll 577: What is your normal sleeping habit?
Total votes: 2782
Sleep straight through, like a log, without waking up: 1154 (41.5%) |  |
Wake up a few times to roll over: 450 (16.2%) |  |
Wake up once to use toilet and/or get a drink: 328 (11.8%) |  |
Toss and turn and wake up a lot: 281 (10.1%) |  |
Wake up once, to roll over: 220 (7.9%) |  |
Have trouble sleeping at all: 209 (7.5%) |  |
Wake up a few times to use toilet and/or get a drink: 134 (4.8%) |  |
Wake up and go get a midnight snack: 6 (0.2%) |  |
Poll 578: Favourite herb?
Total votes: 2381
Basil: 465 (19.5%) |  |
Mint: 448 (18.8%) |  |
Oregano: 360 (15.1%) |  |
Rosemary: 209 (8.8%) |  |
Coriander/Cilantro: 168 (7.1%) |  |
Thyme: 154 (6.5%) |  |
Parsley: 112 (4.7%) |  |
Chives: 102 (4.3%) |  |
Dill: 100 (4.2%) |  |
Lemon grass: 69 (2.9%) |  |
Sage: 61 (2.6%) |  |
Tarragon: 44 (1.8%) |  |
Bay leaf: 38 (1.6%) |  |
Fennel: 30 (1.3%) |  |
Marjoram: 21 (0.9%) |  |
Poll 579: Favourite word that rhymes with -oodle?
Total votes: 2695
Strudel: 530 (19.7%) |  |
Noodle: 502 (18.6%) |  |
Canoodle: 491 (18.2%) |  |
Feudal: 380 (14.1%) |  |
Caboodle: 298 (11.1%) |  |
Doodle: 280 (10.4%) |  |
Poodle: 110 (4.1%) |  |
Oodle: 83 (3.1%) |  |
Boodle: 21 (0.8%) |  |
Poll 580: Most interesting thing on this list?
Total votes: 2386
The number 17: 635 (26.6%) |  |
An orange: 609 (25.5%) |  |
Concrete: 294 (12.3%) |  |
Laundry day: 227 (9.5%) |  |
Doing your tax return: 175 (7.3%) |  |
Waiting in a queue at the bank: 114 (4.8%) |  |
Brushing your teeth: 99 (4.1%) |  |
A telephone bill: 71 (3.0%) |  |
Cleaning the bathroom: 69 (2.9%) |  |
Watching grass grow: 67 (2.8%) |  |
Watching paint dry: 26 (1.1%) |  |
Poll 581: How often do you wear a hat?
Total votes: 2194
I've never worn a hat in my life: 60 (2.7%) |  |
I wore one once, years ago: 151 (6.9%) |  |
I have occasionally, but not for a while: 359 (16.4%) |  |
Only on special occasions: 162 (7.4%) |  |
A few times a year: 217 (9.9%) |  |
When it's hot, to keep the sun off: 135 (6.2%) |  |
When it's cold, to keep my head warm: 358 (16.3%) |  |
When it's hot, and when it's cold: 265 (12.1%) |  |
Regularly, in all weather: 276 (12.6%) |  |
Every day: 145 (6.6%) |  |
I'm wearing one right now!: 66 (3.0%) |  |
Poll 582: Best name (on this list) for a Thai restaurant?
Total votes: 2212
Thai Rannosaurus: 724 (32.7%) |  |
Thai Foon: 397 (17.9%) |  |
Thai Berius: 168 (7.6%) |  |
Thai Tanium: 150 (6.8%) |  |
Thai Break: 136 (6.1%) |  |
Thai Tanic: 136 (6.1%) |  |
Thai Tration: 131 (5.9%) |  |
Thai Conderoga: 85 (3.8%) |  |
Thai Dyed: 82 (3.7%) |  |
Thai Pography: 79 (3.6%) |  |
Thai Phoid: 76 (3.4%) |  |
Thai Raid: 48 (2.2%) |  |
Awesome result! This poll was inspired by the fact that I recently saw a new Thai restaurant that had opened near us. It is named
Thai Tanium. I also know of a restaurant named Thai Tanic, and four, count them, four, restaurants named Thai Foon in Sydney.
Poll 583: Would you eat in vitro meat?
Total votes: 1700
Yes! I love meat but abstain for ethical reasons. This would solve that!: 31 (1.8%) |  |
Yes! It's the wave of the future! Where's my bionic eye?: 168 (9.9%) |  |
Yes! It's much more efficient than farming!: 136 (8.0%) |  |
Sure, if it tasted like real meat. I don't see any problem.: 607 (35.7%) |  |
Sure, if it's cheaper than real meat.: 77 (4.5%) |  |
I'd eat it, but I'd still want real meat from time to time.: 57 (3.4%) |  |
I'd try it. Not convinced, but I'd certainly try it.: 349 (20.5%) |  |
I'd be wary, because it's kind of icky. Might give it a go.: 123 (7.2%) |  |
No way. YUK!!! Just.... YUK!!!: 43 (2.5%) |  |
No way. It's unnatural. Stop interfering with nature!: 58 (3.4%) |  |
No way. I don't even like real meat. Hand me that broccoli.: 43 (2.5%) |  |
No way. Eating meat of any sort is ethically problematical.: 8 (0.5%) |  |
Poll 584: How many syllables do you use to pronounce "miniature"?
Total votes: 2469
2: 46 (1.9%) |  |
3: 1427 (57.8%) |  |
4: 935 (37.9%) |  |
5: 39 (1.6%) |  |
6: 22 (0.9%) |  |
Poll 585: Best "Russian" thing?
Total votes: 1899
Dolls: 365 (19.2%) |  |
Roulette: 333 (17.5%) |  |
Blue: 314 (16.5%) |  |
Reversal: 252 (13.3%) |  |
Revolution: 217 (11.4%) |  |
Mafia: 120 (6.3%) |  |
Orthodox: 113 (6.0%) |  |
Dressing: 102 (5.4%) |  |
River: 83 (4.4%) |  |
Poll 586: If you choose an answer to this poll at random, what is the chance you'll choose the most popular answer?
Total votes: 1784
50%: 705 (39.5%) |  |
25%: 445 (24.9%) |  |
75%: 321 (18.0%) |  |
25: 313 (17.5%) |  |
I have no idea how to analyse this one. I figured if had no clue, it would make an interesting poll.
Poll 587: Read this limerick. Out loud.
There once was a man named MacMurray Who cooked lots of fiery curry He made it too hot Taste good it did not So he met fiery doom in a hurry
Now consider the scansion in lines 2 and 5:
Total votes: 2082
I noticed "fiery" has 2 or 3 syllables; it's okay, it fits whatever is needed in a poe: 1200 (57.6%) |  |
They both sound fine to me, what's the problem?: 562 (27.0%) |  |
Line 5 is wrong because "fiery" has 3 syllables, not 2: 186 (8.9%) |  |
Line 2 is wrong because "fiery" has 2 syllables, not 3: 134 (6.4%) |  |
Poll 588: Find the nearest book to you right now. What is it?
Total votes: 2484
A novel: 708 (28.5%) |  |
A book in some category I inevitably missed: 271 (10.9%) |  |
A book about science (including mathematics): 254 (10.2%) |  |
A gaming book: 216 (8.7%) |  |
A book about computers or programming: 162 (6.5%) |  |
A book about history or politics: 153 (6.2%) |  |
A reference work: dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopaedia: 149 (6.0%) |  |
A comic or graphic novel: 130 (5.2%) |  |
A book of religion or spirituality: 107 (4.3%) |  |
A play, poetry, short stories, or other fiction: 88 (3.5%) |  |
A book about arts, literature, media: 59 (2.4%) |  |
A book of business, finance, or technical fields: 55 (2.2%) |  |
A book of humour: 43 (1.7%) |  |
A book about food or drink: 41 (1.7%) |  |
A biography: 29 (1.2%) |  |
A book about sport or recreation: 19 (0.8%) |  |
Poll 589: Best food to name a child after?
Total votes: 1842
Rosemary: 609 (33.1%) |  |
Basil: 463 (25.1%) |  |
Wensleydale: 209 (11.3%) |  |
Quiche Lorraine: 86 (4.7%) |  |
Kipper: 84 (4.6%) |  |
Meatloaf: 72 (3.9%) |  |
Fruitcake: 62 (3.4%) |  |
Carrot: 57 (3.1%) |  |
Marjoram: 55 (3.0%) |  |
Mango: 45 (2.4%) |  |
Pizza: 45 (2.4%) |  |
Zucchini: 28 (1.5%) |  |
Lentil: 27 (1.5%) |  |
Poll 590: If you were a robot, rather than human, and you didn't know it, would you want to be told?
Total votes: 2072
Yes, it'd be nice to know, but wouldn't change how I live: 919 (44.4%) |  |
Yes! It would totally change my outlook on everything!!: 892 (43.1%) |  |
No, I'd rather live out my life under the illusion: 261 (12.6%) |  |
Poll 591: Who would you trust more?
Total votes: 1888
Mad scientist: 716 (37.9%) |  |
Other Lawyer: 336 (17.8%) |  |
Elder God of Insanity: 210 (11.1%) |  |
Convicted, confessed mass murderer: 192 (10.2%) |  |
Vampire: 176 (9.3%) |  |
Copyright Lawyer: 91 (4.8%) |  |
Leader of enemy country in a war: 74 (3.9%) |  |
Politician (b): 50 (2.6%) |  |
Politician (a): 43 (2.3%) |  |
Poll 592: Ickiest creepy-crawly?
Total votes: 1669
Leech: 384 (23.0%) |  |
Maggot: 376 (22.5%) |  |
Cockroach: 309 (18.5%) |  |
Head louse: 209 (12.5%) |  |
Spider: 170 (10.2%) |  |
Silverfish: 106 (6.4%) |  |
Slug: 85 (5.1%) |  |
Caterpillar: 23 (1.4%) |  |
Earthworm: 7 (0.4%) |  |
Poll 593: Best thing on this list?
Total votes: 2128
Sexual intercourse: 476 (22.4%) |  |
The invention of writing: 475 (22.3%) |  |
Clean running water: 316 (14.8%) |  |
The Allosaurus: 282 (13.3%) |  |
The Lord of the Rings: 146 (6.9%) |  |
Chocolate ice cream: 128 (6.0%) |  |
Winning the lottery: 117 (5.5%) |  |
Anaesthesia: 70 (3.3%) |  |
Summer vacation: 61 (2.9%) |  |
A perfectly ripe, sweet peach: 57 (2.7%) |  |
Oh my. The Allosaurus didn't win!
Although someone did hack in "The Allosaurus" as the answer, even though it was already there in the list of options...
Poll 594: If it was possible to know exactly when you will die, would you like to know?
Total votes: 2026
No, I'd rather not know: 1035 (51.1%) |  |
Yes, tell me!: 991 (48.9%) |  |
Wow, that's a really close result for a two-choice question! I'm impressed. I wonder if I can come up with a poll which splits
more closely than that...
Oh, I should also mention the five people who voted for the Allosaurus, and the one who entered "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--".
Very funny, Randall.
Poll 595: What house would you like to be sorted into?
Total votes: 1615
Ravenclaw: 1052 (65.1%) |  |
Gryffindor: 239 (14.8%) |  |
Hufflepuff: 202 (12.5%) |  |
Slytherin: 122 (7.6%) |  |
Wow, that's a turn-up for the books! I guess this audience really prefers to be "smart" than "brave". I must say I wasn't
expecting this, though with hindsight it makes sense.
Poll 596: You can be rich and famous! And you get to choose your profession! (from these):
Total votes: 2045
Author: 692 (33.8%) |  |
Aristocrat: 227 (11.1%) |  |
Humanitarian: 176 (8.6%) |  |
Artist: 152 (7.4%) |  |
Activist: 109 (5.3%) |  |
Rock star: 103 (5.0%) |  |
Movie director: 99 (4.8%) |  |
Actor: 97 (4.7%) |  |
Criminal: 80 (3.9%) |  |
Comedian: 78 (3.8%) |  |
Business leader: 60 (2.9%) |  |
Politician: 48 (2.3%) |  |
Sports star: 41 (2.0%) |  |
Celebrity chef: 38 (1.9%) |  |
Socialite: 15 (0.7%) |  |
TV presenter: 14 (0.7%) |  |
Supermodel: 11 (0.5%) |  |
Fashion designer: 5 (0.2%) |  |
Allosaurus: 2 (0.1%) |  |
Poll 597: Worst line in Star Wars?
Total votes: 2616
Midi-chlorians are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells.: 414 (15.8%) |  |
Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant.: 305 (11.7%) |  |
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.: 206 (7.9%) |  |
Are you an angel?: 183 (7.0%) |  |
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.: 168 (6.4%) |  |
There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened.: 156 (6.0%) |  |
So have you, grown more beautiful... for a senator, I mean.: 154 (5.9%) |  |
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!: 140 (5.4%) |  |
Anakin...you're breaking my heart!: 131 (5.0%) |  |
No, it's because I'm so in love with you.: 130 (5.0%) |  |
She has lost the will to live.: 91 (3.5%) |  |
I don't care what universe you're from, that's got to hurt.: 90 (3.4%) |  |
It's over Anakin! I have the high ground.: 88 (3.4%) |  |
This is such a drag.: 73 (2.8%) |  |
But I wanted to go to Toshi Station and pick up some power converters!: 66 (2.5%) |  |
Woops!: 59 (2.3%) |  |
Just being around her again is... intoxicating.: 45 (1.7%) |  |
You're not all-powerful, Ani. / Well, I should be: 44 (1.7%) |  |
Around the survivors a perimeter create.: 42 (1.6%) |  |
So what I have told you was true... from a certain point of view.: 31 (1.2%) |  |
Poll 598: Favourite sauce-like condiment?
Total votes: 1703
Tomato ketchup: 291 (17.1%) |  |
Barbecue sauce: 219 (12.9%) |  |
Mustard: 174 (10.2%) |  |
Apple sauce: 171 (10.0%) |  |
Mayonnaise: 127 (7.5%) |  |
Pesto: 126 (7.4%) |  |
Salsa: 119 (7.0%) |  |
Worcestershire sauce: 104 (6.1%) |  |
Hot chili sauce: 91 (5.3%) |  |
Sweet chili sauce: 63 (3.7%) |  |
Steak sauce: 60 (3.5%) |  |
Horseradish: 59 (3.5%) |  |
Tabasco sauce: 50 (2.9%) |  |
Chutney: 29 (1.7%) |  |
Pickle relish: 20 (1.2%) |  |
Poll 599: 4 week holiday! You must pick one of these vacation hotspots:
Total votes: 2537
The South Pole: 835 (32.9%) |  |
Chernobyl, Ukraine: 455 (17.9%) |  |
Death Valley, USA: 360 (14.2%) |  |
Rio Tinto, Spain: 244 (9.6%) |  |
Bogota, Colombia: 173 (6.8%) |  |
The Sahara Desert: 162 (6.4%) |  |
North Korea: 159 (6.3%) |  |
Kashmir region, Pakistan: 78 (3.1%) |  |
Lake Nyos, Cameroon: 46 (1.8%) |  |
Mogadishu, Somalia: 25 (1.0%) |  |
Poll 600: Will the world end on 21 December 2012?
Total votes: 1898
No, it'll end in about 5 billion years when the sun goes red giant: 944 (49.7%) |  |
No, it already ended, but nobody noticed: 499 (26.3%) |  |
No, but it'll end sometime in the next few millennia: 118 (6.2%) |  |
No, we'll figure out a way to save it from any and all catastrophes: 118 (6.2%) |  |
No, but it'll end sometime in the next few centuries: 64 (3.4%) |  |
No, but it'll end sometime in the next few decades: 58 (3.1%) |  |
No, but that will mark a global consciousness transformation: 36 (1.9%) |  |
No, it'll end in 2060 like Isaac Newton predicted: 29 (1.5%) |  |
Yes, those Mayans knew exactly what was happening!: 26 (1.4%) |  |
No, it'll end in 3797 like Nostradamus predicted: 6 (0.3%) |  |
Phew. That's a relief.