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<   No. 117   2003-05-22   >

Comic #117

1 Lambert: And what about when Neo and Trinity...
1 Mordekai: Oh yeah, man. That was awesome.
2 GM: {enraged} Aaaarrgghh!! Matrix Reloaded spoilers! I haven't seen it yet!
3 GM: Take this! {Party miniatures crushed by Player Handbook}
3 [sound]: BLAM!!!
4 GM: {pointing} Let's see a cleric try to resurrect that!

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2012-03-14 Rerun commentary: Ya know, I still haven't seen The Matrix Reloaded. I really should go see it one day.

And actually, that wouldn't be a great way to destroy gaming miniatures. You'd damage your precious rulebook too!

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 14 March 2012; 03:11:01 PST.
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