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<   No. 1189   2006-04-29   >

Comic #1189

1 Ishmael: The Martians are invading!
1 Man in Black: It's the planet Venus.
2 Man in Black: Did you know over 90% of alleged UFO sightings are actually caused by the eerie brightness of Venus?
3 Man in Black: If people just knew the night sky, the alien "phenomenon" would vanish. No doubt, what you saw was actually Venus.
4 Ishmael: They're in my room! Using my computer!
4 Man in Black: She's a tricky planet.

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Fans of The X-Files will notice a resemblance to a certain speech made by a similar Man in Black (played by former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura) in the episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space".

I'm not sure what I can add to top that off.

2015-09-08 Rerun commentary: Actually, Alex Trebek comes to mind.

Idly, I wonder how many real people there are named Jose Chung. It took an awful lot of excluding of terms ("-x-files -outer -space -doomsday -millennium") to get Google to cooperate, but I finally determined that there do indeed seem to be a few. One is apparently a doctor in Montgomery, Alabama.

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