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<   No. 1436   2007-01-01   >

Comic #1436

1 {scene: still in pitch darkness}
1 Gollum: We will eats it anyway! Trick quesstion indeedss!
1 Lambert: Aaaargh!
2 Alvissa: Lambert! Is that you?!
2 Lambert: Alvissa!?
3 Gollum: Gollum! Gollum!
3 Draak: Draak smash!
4 Kyros: We need light. Channelling mana...
4 All: Noooo!

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Happy New Year everyone! And welcome to the fifth year of Irregular Webcomic!

I should perhaps point out that Gollum's and Draak's speech bubbles are slightly different shades of colour. It gets difficult with so many speech bubbles. There's really only about 6 different colours I can use before they start to approach each other too closely to be easily distinguished.

2016-08-19 Rerun commentary: Fortunately Draak has his distinctive font, so his speech is always easy to recognise.

I chew up another colour when I have multiple people saying the same thing in unison - thus the appearance of purple in the last panel. It seemed a sensible thing to use a colour other than any of the contributing characters when multiple people speak together.

I've often wondered if using coloured speech bubbles was a sensible choice way back when I started, but in strips like this it's very useful for helping to identify who is speaking.

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Last Modified: Friday, 19 August 2016; 03:11:02 PST.
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