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1 Monty: If we're going to sneak into one of the most secure and well-guarded buildings in the world, we should at least wait until night.
2 Prof. Jones: Good idea. I know an excellent restaurant where we can wait, just off Piazza di Spagna.
3 Prof. Jones: Wonderful antipasto, minestrone, pane di casa, pasta, risotto, veal scallopini, contorni, gelati... All you can eat for 150 lire.
4 Monty: That sounds like your type of place, dad.
4 Prof. Jones: I order 300 lire worth.
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Piazza di Spagna is the square at the base of the famous Spanish Steps. It is one of the world's major crossroads, like Times Square in New York, or Picadilly Circus in London, and is not far from Piazza del Popolo, where I took the background photo in this strip.
I have fond memories of Piazza di Spagna, as I'm sure do most of the people who visit it. I had some pizza from a place just off the piazza, which was indeed wonderful. They didn't offer an all you can eat special though, or I may have put on even more weight in Italy than I did.
To these places I'd add Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Pariser Platz in Berlin, La Rambla in Barcelona, Red Square in Moscow, and ... I think Place Charles de Gaulle in Paris (where the Arc de Triomphe is, at the end of the Champs-Élysée). Maybe there's a better candidate in Paris, I'm not sure.
On my second trip to Rome, which occurred after this comic was first published, I tried to find the pizza place again, but couldn't. I suspect it must have closed down, because I'm pretty sure I looked in the right place for it.
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