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1 Dwalin: Quick! Acrooss thu Bridge! {the party sets out across the narrow, precarious Bridge of Khazad-Doom}
2 Lambert: For all the amazing feats of construction engineering we've seen in Dwergenberg...
3 Lambert: For all the advanced technological skills and astoundingly beautiful architecture you dwarves have...
4 Lambert: Haven't you heard of railings??!!
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We've seen the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm before in the fantasy theme, but this is the Bridge of Khazad-Doom. Entirely different thing.
We've also seen a reference to how bridges in fiction always seem to lack railings in the very next strip, which was in the space theme. This is just such a stupid trope that it's worth making the point again.
Many movie effects involving vast heights are filmed this way too, with the actors merely standing on a set built with a coloured floor just a few centimetres below them. The floor is then visually removed and replaced with an image of the Grand Canyon or whatever during post-production.
I was searching for an appropriate link to show how they do such special effects, but instead I ran across this Cracked article on 8 movie effects that were shot entirely in-camera, and not using computer generated effects, and it's so cool that I'll just link that instead.
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