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1 Serron 2: We're here from the future to rescue you.
1 Iki Piki: Some job you're doing...
2 Serron: Woohoo! That's great!
2 Iki Piki: What are you talking about? They got captured too!
3 Serron: But don't you realise what this means?
3 Iki Piki: We're going to be killed for our organs twice?
4 Serron: In the future, we find a time machine! Do you know what sort of cash we can make with that?!
4 Iki Piki 2: {to Serron 2} Remind me why I'm rescuing you again?
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These scenes are actually faster to make than scenes with sky in the background. Photoshop's layering and semi-transparency tools are great for this sort of thing. It does mean, however, that I have to shoot twice as many photos.
I wonder, how many readers of this comic see [space theme, pink coloured speech bubble] and immediately know it's Serron speaking? And similarly blue means Iki Piki, yellow is Paris, green is Spanners, and purple is Quercus? And so on for all the other themes?
I know most of the colours off by heart - but then I'm making the comics. I wonder how many of you recognise at least some of them, or even most of them.
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