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<   No. 1895   2008-04-04   >

Comic #1895

1 Wendy: Here be it. Dig.
1 Ponsonby: What? With our bare hands?
2 Wendy: Dig! Or ye'll be tastin' lead from me pistol!
3 [caption]: An hour later...
3 Ponsonby: A chest! Well, that was buried pretty shallowly. That wasn't so bad after all.
4 Ponsonby: {opening chest to see the contents} Picks and shovels?
4 Wendy: We be stowin' this here to be helpin' wi' the real diggin'!

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And you thought they got off easy for a second there. :-)

2018-11-20 Rerun commentary: Notice in panel 3 how the Mate has done all the bare-handed digging, while Ponsonby, as befits his status of upper class English twit captain, has done the hard work of supervising.

It seems pirates do an awful lot of digging and burying.

I wonder how Wendy keeps her pirating clothes so white.

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