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1 Iki Piki 2: But Serron told you to bet on the Titans. They won the Galactic Cup!
1 Iki Piki: They didn't! You're lying!
2 Iki Piki 2: Oh come on. What sort of idiot would come back in time and tell his past self to bet on a losing team?
3 {beat}
4 Iki Piki 2: Okay, ignoring that for a second...
4 Serron 2: What?
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Considering how many separate photos and layers and how much fiddling in Photoshop it takes to create these panels, you'd think I'd move the story on to somewhere different more quickly than this...
Probably the inertial dampers don't short circuit at the slightest scratch on the ship or merest sign of anything happening and throw the crew from side to side like on Star Trek.
EDIT: This rerun annotation seems to have caused a lot of confusion. Yes, they are outside their spaceship, Legacy. So why did I write about seating on the bridge?
Because you can see through the windows on the right into the bridge of the ship, and you can see that there are no seats in there. Well, at least none that are visible. I just happen to know that there aren't any hidden away either.
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