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<   No. 2265   2009-04-09   >

Comic #2265

1 [caption]: Little Whinging, Surrey, 1981:
1 McGonagall: Are you sure about this, Albus? Leaving the child with these Muggles?
2 Dumbledore: Yes, Minerva. They'll provide him with a much-needed harsh foster parents background.
3 Dumbledore: They'll deprive him of magic knowledge so readers will be able to identify with him as a hero discovering new and wondrous things.
4 Dumbledore: And most importantly, just think of the comic relief possibilities!

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Every time I post anything related to Harry Potter, someone invariably writes to tell me that I've just spoiled some part of one of the books that they haven't read yet, or the movies that they haven't seen yet.

So I'm being malicious and doing it again. ;-)

2022-02-24 Rerun commentary: All child heroes in literature need harsh foster parents.

Really, being an orphan is pretty much both a recipe and a prerequisite for becoming a child hero.

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