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1 Boy: Mr Newton, Mr Newton! The queen wants to give you a knighthood!
2 Isaac Newton: Well, finally some just reward for all the hard work I've done, inventing scientific principles and new branches of mathematics.
3 Isaac Newton: It will be good for my name to forevermore be associated with my greatest achievements.
4 Boy: She says those little pastries with fig in them were delightful!
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It says something interesting about the modern world that I can very easily make a joke that is easier to understand for people of a foreign culture than to people of my own culture.
The only reason I know about Fig Newtons at all is because of imported American TV shows. They don't exist here in Australia, and I've never seen one, let alone eaten one.
Yet I can come up with a comic like this, off the top of my head. Just stop for a minute and think about what that means about society and culture today.
I actually had to search for the name as I didn't remember what the official name was - nearly everyone calls them "fruity pillows". At least in my experience.
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