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1 Steve: Well Jane, my experience here's 'elped me decide on a career path! Wranglin' giant reptiles!
2 Young Jane Goodall: That's good, Steve. Your assistance as my student has been a positive influence on my career too.
3 Steve: Crikey! That's bonza!
4 Young Jane Goodall: Yes. I was going to dedicate my life to studying primates, but clearly there's more fame, fortune, and reputation to be gained in cryptozoology.
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It's true. If someone were to definitively prove the existence of Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster, or any other of the classic cryptozoological entities - say by capturing a live specimen - they would instantly become vastly more famous and wealthy than anyone who had dedicated decades of tireless effort to researching well-known animals.
Of course the odds of anyone doing so are pretty low. But if they do, spare a thought for all the dedicated wildlife researchers out there who do their work with little or no recognition.
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