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1 Shakespeare: {typing} "You're a funny little boy," she said, "How long have you been here?"
2 Shakespeare: {typing} "Since I was very little; three, I think," the boy answered.
3 Shakespeare: {typing} "My mother and I were sold to Imrazôr the Númenórean, but he lost us, betting on warg races, to Melkor, who's a lot better master than Imrazôr, I think."
4 Shakespeare: {typing} "You're... a slave?" "I'm a person! My name is Sauron."
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Everyone was a kid once.
Really, think about that next time someone acts like a jerk near you. They were a kid once.
Not all kids grow up to be good people.
Why a Gondorian noble of the Third Age would be called the "Númenórean" is not made clear from the context.
Yeah, I dunno.
Melkor (a Quenya name), better known as Morgoth (a Sindarin name) was a prime bad guy in the First Age, centuries earlier than the events of The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. He was actually Sauron's boss, before Sauron became the main baddy.
Will is paying fast and loose with Middle-earth history, as Imrazôr lived a long time later than Melkor/Morgoth. That puts him in good company though, as Tolkien himself often shuffled things around.
Addendum: Reader Frederic H. referred this oddity about Imrazôr being called "the Númenórean" to a friend who is a member of the Tolkien Society at a university, who subsequently investigated and came up with some speculative possible answers: Recorded in their blog.
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