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1 {scene: elsewhere in the seedy Rubilith Starport docks}
1 Shady Black Market Dealer 2: We have some live splanches to sell. These organs are in high demand on Bune.
2 Quercus: Only a few species have splanches. Where do you get them?
3 Shady Black Market Dealer 2: We have three Martians with regenerative powers. We chain them to rocks and have eagles rip out their splanches every day.
4 Quercus: Those poor beings! That sounds like eternal torment!
4 Shady Black Market Dealer 2: Oh, no, we change the eagles regularly.
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That would probably be a Titanic struggle.
In Ancient Greek myth, the Titan Prometheus stole fire from Mount Olympus and taught humans how to use it. As a punishment, Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock and an eagle would come and rip out his liver and eat it. Prometheus regenerated his liver, and the eagle would reappear every day to repeat the ordeal.
One presumes the eagle enjoyed this, but you never know with those Greek myths.
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