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<   No. 268   2003-10-20   >

Comic #268

1 [caption]: Splash! Gulp! {Cthulhu leaps forward and gobbles his opponent}
1 Terry: Steve!! Oh no, Cthulhu's swallowed him and the giant frog!
2 Cthulhu: {choking} Ack, gkkk, fhtagn!
2 Steve: {popping up from in the water where he was hiding} What's the matter Cthulhu? Frog in your throat?
3 Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs: {turning as a new Death appears} HEY, WHO ARE YOU?
3 Death of Choking On A Giant Frog: DEATH OF CHOKING ON A GIANT FROG.
4 Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs: WOW. NOW THAT'S SPECIALISED.
4 Death by Choking On A Giant Frog: SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, "SAT ON".

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2012-09-06 Rerun commentary: Yay! It's the first appearance of Death by Choking On A Giant Frog! This marks the point at which there are now officially multiple Deaths in the comic (well, if you don't count the Head Death as an actual collector of souls, but more like an administrator, which he is, so I can get away with this claim).

Before reading the transcript of this strip just now, I assumed that Cthulhu must have spat Steve out in between panels 1 and 2. But I see now that Steve must have been hiding and Terry was simply mistaken when she assumed Steve had been swallowed by Cthulhu.

It's lucky I wrote myself those handy notes all those years ago, or I'd have no idea what's going on now!

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Last Modified: Thursday, 6 September 2012; 03:11:01 PST.
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