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<   No. 2713   2010-07-01   >

Comic #2713

1 Earth Elemental: However, I am here to help you master the elemental magic of Earth.
2 Kyros: Why? What could I do with Earth that I can't do with Fire?
3 Dwalin: Nid I remind ye, wi're stoock in a toonnel through solid rock? A fireball in here'd kill oos all! {translation: Need I remind you, we're stick in a tunnel through solid rock? A fireball in here would kill us all!}
4 Kyros: I repeat the question.

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Fire is flashy, but Earth does have the overwhelming aura of inevitability about it.

This was brought home to me by the first edition of the Dungeons & Dragons Manual of the Planes. It points out that it's relatively easy to survive on the elemental plane of fire. All you need is protection from the heat. On the elemental plane of earth, however, you're stuck encased in solid rock, with no air, and no way to move whatsoever. That would be no fun at all.

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Last Modified: Thursday, 1 July 2010; 03:11:01 PST.
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