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Classic comic reruns every day
1 Isaac Newton: I have gathered you all here to save the universe from destruction by temporal paradox.
1 Galileo: È impossibile!
2 Isaac Newton: Yes, Galileo? You have an opinion?
2 Galileo: To do this, we need also a wizard!
3 Galileo: And an archaeologist! And a primatologist! And some space aliens! And a pizza delivery boy!
4 Charles Darwin: Mmm, pizza.
4 James Clerk Maxwell: I'm hungry!
4 Anton van Leeuwenhoek: Pepperoni!
4 James Hutton: Ham and pineapple!
4 Antoine Lavoisier: Double mushroom!
4 Nicolaus Copernicus: No anchovies!
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It's funny because it's a trope. No other reason.
I actually like anchovies on my pizzas. Well, occasionally - not on every single pizza. What I really don't like is pineapple.
Also, why is it impossible to find a sushi bento box with no avocado in it??? Avocado isn't even Japanese!! Why do sushi places insist on putting it in 90% of the sushi?! Seriously, it's like going to Italy and finding all the pasta has maple syrup in it or something.
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