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1 Spanners: So you're not going to assimilate us if we don't want you to?
2 Cybe: Oh, no, we'll assimilate you anyway. So sorry. We do regret the inconvenience.
3 Paris: That sounds about as sincere as every time a company tells us that they apologise for the inconvenience.
4 Cybe: We've also assimilated a world known for its public transport systems.
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Annotations off: turn on
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Perhaps inspired by that time a few weeks ago when I was stuck on a platform at a train station halfway home from work, with rain pelting down, and there was some signal failure or something.
Oh, and I lost my umbrella on the train because they made us get out in a hurry. That was a good umbrella too, and one I'd had for many years without losing it up to that point.
Apparently Sydney Trains has a lost and found office, and they actually do get a lot of umbrellas turned in. But I can see how it would go:
"Hi, I lost an umbrella on the train and was wondering if it had been turned in."
"Can you describe it?"
"It... was... black..."
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