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1 Alvissa: I think we'll stop and camp here for the night.
2 Mordekai: What makes this a good spot?
3 Alvissa: There's running water, fallen branches for firewood, rabbit burrows indicating small game.
4 Alvissa: And no nearby village for you to loot in the night.
4 Mordekai: It's a sleepwalking disorder!
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In fact, when I looked up "good camping sites" on the web, I found a lot of advice saying not to camp immediately adjacent to water, because it attracts biting insects. However, I'm assuming this is not completely universal. Because I also found many of these sites saying that camping under trees for shelter is a good idea. Less wind and dew and cold from exposure to the elements, they say.[1]
In Australia you never, ever set up a camp under trees. Unless you want a huge branch falling on you while you sleep. Eucalyptus trees are notorious for having heavy, but structurally weak branches, which can drop off at the merest sideways glance.
[1] Granted, some of them do warn about camping under "dead branches", lest they fall, but they seem fine with camping under trees otherwise. Which, again, is never a good idea in Australia. Live eucalyptus branches are just as likely to drop off at any time as dead ones.
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