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1 Ishmael: So you want to have... er... amorous relations with human females? For the purpose of reproduction?
2 Martian 1: That would be desirable, yes.
3 Ishmael: But... Do you even have the right... um... equipment?
4 Martian 2: We bear this basket of bath bombs and a box of bon-bons. That should beget breeding, right?
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I'm guessing Ishmael delivers pizza on that bicycle.
It's an odd progression, the home delivery of food. Where I live, it used to be that restaurants hired drivers to take food for home delivery orders, and you'd see them driving around in cars.
Then a few years ago, places started using motor scooters, often with insulated boxes on the back. You'd see those zipping around all over the place, taking the home deliveries. Over time, they started to dominate, and delivery cars became a rarity.
And now in the last year or two, home deliveries of food have started to be made by cyclists, riding bicycles. They also have a box on the back for keeping the delivery hot. And now I see delivery riders on their bicycles everywhere, and they're starting to take over from the scooters.
The obvious next step in this progression is that in a couple of years we'll get pedestrians delivering food, simply walking from the restaurant to your front door with an insulated bag full of your dinner.
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