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Classic comic reruns every day
1 Martian 2: Wait, how do you know about Earthling idioms??
2 Martian 1: Because we’re invading Earth and, unlike comedic Nazis, I did my research.
3 Martian 2: Comedic Nazis?
4 Martian 1: The pinnacle of Earthling humour! “I see nothing! I know nothing!”
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Ah, Hogan's Heroes, a classic of 1960s television, and the definitive example of Those Wacky Nazis. I used to love this show, growing up as a kid and watching the reruns every afternoon after school. I suspect it'd be difficult to make such a series these days.
I just learnt an interesting fact about Hogan's Heroes from the Wikipedia page. The weather in the PoW camp was always depicted as cold and snowy - they never depicted a hot day in the series. There was always snow on the ground and frost on the windows - artificial snow and frost created by set dressers. Actors always wore heavy clothing and pretended to be cold - despite the fact that they were filming in southern California and the weather on set could be hot.
The reason they did this, apparently, was so that the weather was a constant, and the episodes could be shown in any order without sudden changes in weather between episodes.
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