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1 Emily: Sorry to pry, but did I just overhear you’re interested in the Seven Wonders?
2 Prof. Jones: Yes! Are you interested in archaeology too?
3 Emily: I’ve always wanted to try finding and exploring some ancient civilisation. To have that satisfying feeling of contributing to human knowledge.
4 Monty: Shouldn’t you be watching where you’re going?
4 Emily: It’s not a road, bub!
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I don't know about other people, but I find this one of the most irksome things about some TV shows and movies: When a driver turns to look at a passenger to talk to them, and doesn't look at the road for way, way, way too long.
I mean, one second is too long to start with. And from there it just gets more and more uncomfortable, until I'm almost physically squirming while watching such a scene.
Sometimes it's impossible to know if the scene is deliberately leading up to a horrible crash, or if it's just the director being sloppy and ignoring the fact that nobody ever does this in real life (without recklessly risking their lives).
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