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Classic comic reruns every day
<   No. 5225   2024-06-28   >

Comic #5225

1 Local: I did see two strangers matching that description.
2 Local: They were digging around the ruins for a few days, but then they left. Said they had to get to San Francisco.
3 Monty: San Francisco! You know what’s there, dad!?
3 Prof. Jones: Sourdough! Cioppino! Mission burritos! Dungeness crab! It’s-It ice cream sandwiches!
4 Monty: Miss Alice Thoroughgood!
4 Prof. Jones: Can’t you ever get your mind off women, Junior?

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The food is one of the things I love about San Francisco[1].


Chowder and sourdough



Mission burrito:

Vegetable burrito

Dungeness crab:

Crab cracking

And It's-It ice cream sandwich:

Pumpkin ice cream sandwich

This last one is possibly less well-known outside the San Francisco Bay area, but I wanted to include it because I have a cool story about it. Several of the times I've been to the Bay Area was to attend a conference that was being held at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel in Burlingame. This hotel happens to be right next door to the It's-It ice cream sandwich factory. So during breaks in the conference, I used to walk over and get an ice cream sandwich from the factory shop, where they were basically half the price that I could buy them anywhere else. I ate a lot of their ice cream sandwiches!

It's It Factory shop

It's-It began serving their ice cream sandwiches in 1928, so, unlike many of the things in the Cliffhangers theme, the fact that Professor Jones knows about them is entirely historically accurate.

[1] I've talked about San Francisco several times in these annotations, the longest one specifically about the city being #3320. In that annotation, from 2014, I wrote about being frustrated in my attempts to finally visit Coit Tower. Since that trip I have returned to San Francisco five more times, and finally got to visit Coit Tower in 2016. Here's a view from the top of the tower:

Golden Gate and Marin headland

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