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<   No. 5235   2024-07-12   >

Comic #5235

1 Dracula: Could use two more players vor my Dungeons & Dragons game tonight.
2 Adam: Yeah! Jamie! We should play! We haven’t played D&D for ages.
3 Adam: How lethal is the campaign?
3 Dracula: Oh, should definitely expect to die.
4 Adam: Awesome!
4 Jamie: Um...

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One of the knobs that can be twiddled when setting up a roleplaying campaign is how lethal the game will be.

For the characters, not the players.


Some games are very deadly. Characters might start with just a handful of hit points, and die instantly as soon as damage reduces that total to zero (or less). Or the hazards they face might be so deadly that characters have to try to avoid them or suffer fatal consequences. For example, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Paranoia, or the first editions of Dungeons & Dragons at low character levels.

Some games have a lot more damage soaking before anything fatal, and the ability to recover fairly rapidly. You can die, but it's difficult. For example, the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

Some games have no mechanisms whatsoever for character death. For example Young Centurions, Kids on Bikes, Tales From the Loop, Toon.

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