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1 Villager 1: D'ye ken that time when an army o' fire wizards raided t' village?
1 Villager 2: Aye, one were an 'obbit.
2 Villager 1: An' one were a great dragon, breathin' gouts o' flame. Wi' 'n invisible ninja ridin' atop.
3 Villager 2: An' an evil elf queen, she were t' worst o' t' lot. Burnt down the tavern 'n took all t' food in t' village.
4 Villager 1: Aye. But tell that t' yon kids today an' they won't believe ye.
4 Villager 2: Nay, 'tis a cryin' shame.
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To fully appreciate this it helps to recall the events of #645 and subsequent strips in the Fantasy theme, particularly #759 and the ones immediately after that.
Here's a YouTube link, which will provide a few minutes of amusement.
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