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1 {scene: A starkly lit chamber. In it a lone man sits apprehensively in a chair.}
1 [caption]: Meanwhile, in Dr No's secret base on Crab Key...
1 Dr No: {unseen, over speakers} You failed to kill James Stud.
2 {camera tracks back to reveal a table in the room, on which rests a cage}
2 Dr No: Go to the table. You see what is on it?
3 Professor Dent: {walking over to the table and looking in the cage} Erm... a big spider?
4 Dr No: Oh geez. And people wonder where the stereotype of stupid evil henchmen comes from...
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One of the distinctive features of the early James Bond films is the production design by Ken Adam. This scene from Dr No, where we see inside a villain's base for the first time in the series, set the mark for the look and feel of James Bond set design for decades.
To recreate the distinctive stark spotlight-with-grille effect, I had to mask my desklamp with a piece of paper with a small hole cut in it, and shine it through a set of LEGO bars I had set up over the top of the set. But the light generated enough heat that after taking a shot, the paper I'd attached to it started smoking...
So I turned the light off and let it cool down again between each of these photos, to avoid destroying the villain's base in a conflagration. That's James Stud's job.
The guy in the chair, by the way, is the Professor Dent mentioned in strip #579. He's not merely perpetuating the stereotype of stupid evil henchmen - he is the prototype stupid evil henchman, the first one ever to appear in a Bond film.
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