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<   No. 1521   2007-03-27   >

Comic #1521

1 {scene: Two technicians are assembling an R2-unit droid, which stands between them, partially assembled.}
1 Technician 1: Hologram recorder/projector?
1 Technician 2: Check.
1 Technician 1: Circular saw?
1 Technician 2: Check.
1 Technician 1: Cattle prod?
1 Technician 2: Check.
2 Technician 1: Fire extinguisher?
2 Technician 2: Check.
2 Technician 1: Life-form sensor?
2 Technician 2: Check.
2 Technician 1: Data probe?
2 Technician 2: Check.
3 Technician 1: Rocket thrusters?
3 Technician 2: Check.
3 Technician 1: Flashlight?
3 Technician 2: Check.
3 Technician 1: Periscope?
3 Technician 2: Check.
4 {The droid is now almost complete.}
4 Technician 1: Lightsabre ejector?
4 Technician 2: Check.
4 Technician 1: Welding arm?
4 Technician 2: Check.
4 Technician 1: Voice synthesiser?
4 Technician 2: No room.

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Seriously, if they could fit all that other junk in there...?

2017-02-04 Rerun commentary: It looks like I forgot the oil reservoirs and the gripping arm.

And if you go by the list of tool/gadget features in Wookieepedia, the cablegun, the propeller, the air cannon, the crashmat, the lariat, the collapsible umbrella, the flea remover, the "headdress detangler", the jukebox, and the "confetti creation device".

I kid you not.

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