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1 Mordekai: So can you track down Alvissa by smell, Draak?
2 Draak: You get Draak wrong. Draak smell elf now.
3 Alvissa: {appearing from the darkness} Hi guys.
3 Kyros: Alvissa!
4 Alvissa: Kyros! You're alive!
4 Kyros: Your uncanny elvish powers of observation leave me speechless.
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In fantasy games, elves are basically superior to humans in pretty much every respect, except for artificial game-mechanical constraints deliberately imposed precisely to make them somewhat less desirable to play. Otherwise why would anyone* ever play anything else?
* By this I mean any self-respecting min-max gamer who wants the most buff character with the most skills and advantages, not the mythical "character roleplayer" who revels in the challenge of playing an inferior character.
In old fashioned fantasy games, elves are basically superior to humans in pretty much every respect, except for artificial game-mechanical constraints deliberately imposed precisely to make them somewhat less desirable to play.
In modern day fantasy games, elves are basically superior to humans in pretty much every respect, except for artificial game-mechanical advantages granted to humans precisely to make humans somewhat more desirable to play.
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