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<   No. 2148   2008-12-13   >

Comic #2148

1 {scene: London}
1 Sallah: Professor Jones! Schliemannian Chair Jones!
1 Minnesota Jones: Sallah!
2 Prof. Jones: What are you doing here in London? You should be in Berlin, rescuing Junior!
3 Sallah: I'm here to rescue the two of you.
3 Prof. Jones: From what?
4 Sallah: Moral decay!
4 {camera pulls back showing Prof. Jones and Minnesota Jones are about to enter a burlesque show}

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Burlesque was a popular form of live entertainment in the decades around the turn of the 19th century, consisting of various forms of humour and ribaldry. Several well-known comedians got their starts in the burlesque circuits of the USA: W.C. Fields, Abott and Costello, Milton Berle, Bob Hope. Burlesque may be better known for more or less titillating forms of dancing and strip tease by female performers though.

2021-02-27 Rerun commentary: Good old Sallah, always rescuing people when they least expect or want it!

I'm trying to remember how I did that text in the last panel. It looks like a pure Photoshop job, though it's the sort of thing that I would print out and physically include in the set.

Maybe I made the sign in Photoshop and printed it out... Nah. It really looks like straight Photoshop after the fact.

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