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<   No. 532   2004-07-11   >

Comic #532

1 Monty: {with a hand free from the ropes} Yes! I've worked a hand free! We'll soon be out of these ropes.
2 Prof. Jones: So do we go to the control room and take over the zeppelin? {as Monty unties them, Minnesota Jones remains seated, back to the camera}
3 Monty: We have no weapons; we'll need a diversion. Hmmm... I think I've got an idea.
4 Prof. Jones: Oh lord, don't tell me: release the dinosaurs?
4 Monty: Ooh! That's even better!

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I really hate these scenes where you can see stuff through the windows. I have to cut the windows out with a select tool and paste the background in, and it's fiddly when foreground stuff is a similar colour to the pre-cut window areas because that means automagic selection doesn't work and I have to do it by hand. A strip like this takes me about five times as long to put together as one without windows.

2013-07-11 Rerun commentary: I like it how they don't bother freeing Schliemannian Chair "Pop" Jones. (Although that's actually explained in the next strip in this theme...)

For prop rope, I bought a ball of string very early on. I think I only ever used about 20 centimetres of it, and the entire remainder is still sitting in my desk drawer here.

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Last Modified: Thursday, 11 July 2013; 03:11:01 PST.
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