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Classic comic reruns every day
1 Stud: Good evening, sir.
1 Ñ: It happens to be 3am. When do you sleep, 0x0A?
1 Stud: Never on the firm's time, sir.
2 Ñ: Sit down. Jamaica went off the air tonight, just like that. We've checked up, and Strangways has disappeared.
3 Stud: Was Strangways on something... special?
4 Ñ: Some new form of reggae beat, I think.
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2013-01-02 Rerun commentary: The original M from the James Bond novels is explicitly a retired admiral, and the movie version played by Bernard Lee was based heavily on that, with a subtle nautical motif in his office. In Dr No we see several prints of old sailing ships on the wall behind M.
Here I went for a single painting. I don't remember what painting it is. I have the original image file that I printed out on to a sheet of paper and then cut out to stick to the wall of the set. Here it is:
Neither Google Image Search nor TinEye can find any other version of this image anywhere on the web, so I'm afraid I can't tell you what it is. If you know, please drop me a line.
EDIT: No hits yet, but several readers have written to say it's a clipper, and very possibly the Cutty Sark, of which many paintings were made. There are several images on the web which look similar to this painting - a clipper tilted at pretty much the same angle - but the details of the waves and sky are very different. It may be one of those scenes that many painters repaint.
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